
Whether you are a private company or a non-profit organization, we have the solutions to all your business insurance needs at Bridge City.

Not all policies work correctly for all businesses. We can aid you in figuring out what you really need. 

We help tailor your business insurance coverage plan with a blueprint that is designed specifically for your business.  

Bridge City Insurance offers coverage specific to your industry and profession

Having all of your commercial vehicles under the same insurance umbrella is a specialty of ours. We will sit down with you and design a coverage plan that’s suitable for each and every vehicle you’re looking to insure for your business.

We’ll be assertive about the general insurance requirements legally in place within your state, while making sure you’re not overspending on insurance coverage costs. 


Trucking Insurance (2022)

Now offering commercial trucking insurance for contractors, small businesses and CDL drivers.

Food Truck business owners need coverage that is specific to their Industry

Food carts and food trucks fall under the category of commercial vehicle insurance, whether stationary or remote; but we understand that your needs as a food truck owner are generally more food-industry based than auto. This is a well known concern within the insurance industry; therefore, we have a range of companies that specifically design and mold their insurance products to fit your business.

Not being able to operate your food cart due to a fire or any other ‘potentially covered’ hazard for even a couple of weeks could induce a major financial set back.  So being properly insured with a company that knows you and the coverage you need makes all the difference. We diligently stress  the importance of having coverage that will eliminate the burden of being at some sort of impromptu financial setback.

Questions?  Contact us for more information.


The world is growing and so are we.  Together with our global partners, we offer agricultural insurance that not only helps protect your grow operation and crops, but also your cargo.  The agricultural and export industries have major integrations and financial necessities that expand beyond local business practices; and we work closely with the insurance companies that specialize in global and big business insurance.

We are here and ready to help you answer any questions or concerns you have about insuring your operation.  Get in touch! We’ll address the specificities involved with your business and start the process of creating your insurance plan.

New >> American national (2022)
New Policies from Cannashare

Bridge City Insurance offers vineyards the coverage that is necessary for their industry

you asked we answer

We are licensed in Oregon, Washington, Texas and Missouri. The majority of our clients are located in the Portland, Oregon metropolitan area.

Our top agents have a combined two decades of experience in the insurance sector. Bridge City Insurance has been successfully operating as a full-service agency for seven years.

  • We offer insurance coverage for cars and trucks, businesses, homes and property, health, and life.
  • We provide financial consulting and business start-up services.
  • We connect our clients with a plethora of local resources.
  • We lead insurance, investment and financial wellness workshops and online seminars.

In most cases it’s the law to be licensed and insured. Contact us to find out what insurances are required in your area.

Insurances can save you money in the long term if you’re only paying for what you need, when you need it.

You can receive an insurance quote today if your individual needs are simple.

Usually, auto and home insurance quotes are available within 24 hours.

An in-depth, quality quote for a business or life insurance policy may take a few days after a consultation with one of our agents. 

Contact us directly so we can make the proper changes to your policy.

Keep in communication with us so that we can tailor your insurance policy and make sure that you’re only paying for the coverages necessary for your business. 

We build partnerships with our clients

Lyle Watkins

OWNER, Bridge City Insurance

"We offer you industry-specific policy options, we inform you of the rules, and we make sure that you don't overpay for excess or unnecessary coverage." 

ready to build a secure future together?

Don’t wait! Make an appointment with us today to discuss what is best to insure your firm or practice.

We are here as a support system and resource to make sure all of your business endeavors are safe and well insured.

Insuring Your Business

Playing your cards right in the insurance sector can be just as important as the decisions you make in the business sector.

Growing business,
Growing exposure

Expanding a company for a greater stream of revenue is an exciting move for any business owner, but facing all of the newly-added exposures that come with advancement can get complex, especially when facing those predicaments without the proper insurances in place.

As a business, you need to be well protected. Your protection includes having solid avenues of investment and proper financial support through channels including insurance, for instance. Business financial protection can include insurance support for potential liabilities associated with your business activity. These liabilities can be targeted and insured after considering your business’s exposures. For example, an employee’s actions could negatively impact your company’s standard practices and relations, potentially causing a lawsuit that could financially devastate the company; or, you come into work one day only to find that all your client data has been victim to cyber attack that exposes their personal information. Employee practices, crime and cyber security are real issues and serious causes of concern – liabilities. Having the proper insurance coverage can protect you from being forced to cover the costs and damages accrued from accidental mishaps like these on your own.

Our agents at Bridge City will sit down with you to explain what we have to offer for you and your growing business. We’ll work with you to understand what forms of insurance are crucial for your business and we’ll figure out what you need to have as a ‘security safety net’ as you develop.


Owning and operating a business may be one of the most exciting and challenging experiences of your life. And insuring your business may seem overwhelming; but you need to protect yourself, your business and your workers.

We help tailor your business insurance policy with a coverage plan that’s designed specifically for your enterprise–  meaning, we offer you insurance products that are specific to your business industry. We make sure that you cover the necessary insurance requirements in your policy and don’t overpay for excess or unnecessary coverage.

A bit of info

Protecting Private Companies From Financial Loss

By Chubb.